Tota While this lady never told us her birthday, she was at least 27 when she left her worldly concerns to the rest of us. This kind hearted, honest, and steady Argentinian polo mare came to us after a full career playing professional polo, then teaching polo to kids. A solid and smooth girl she won the hearts of us all with her quirks, throaty flirtatious whinny, and rhythmic shuffling gaits that would ease even the most timid riders through their first trot and canter. Thank you Tota for your years of service.
Panzur The Panz-man was dearly beloved by all that knew him. He lived out retirement at a wonderful private farm, cared for daily by people that loved him. He passed away at the age of 26 with his people, Laura Hansen and Pam LoCoco giving him lots of hugs. We will miss his big solid head, lovely and easy way of finding a jump, and food tasting enthusiasm. We are all so blessed to have known a horse like Panzur.
Kyle(Cayambe) Our big sweet handsome copper guy struggled with health complications the last few months of his life. And in October of 2019 he finally told us he was ready to leave his earth bound body. We are deeply saddened by his untimely loss but are relieved he was able to spend his final days surrounded by humans and horses that loved him and is now out of pain.
Bert Once a Grand Prix show-jumper and dressage champ, Bert was a huge asset to the program before retirement. He was our best guy for introducing vaulting and longe-line work. Still frisky in the pasture he happily enjoyed his time with his best friend Panzur and favorite human Carolyn until his last few days. Thank you Ms. Carolyn Bielagus who generously sponsored, cared for and snuggled Bert since 2013.
Tina A true polo pony at heart, Tina was the toughest mare we have had the pleasure of riding in our program. Tina had a spicy personality and refused retirement time and time again- the polo arena was calling her name! Once Stitch came along though, Tina was more than happy to spend the days eating and roaming the hills of our retirement pasture with her new best friend. Tina spent her last few months in great health flirting with Cecil and showing everyone that at 36 she skill had spunk.
Monty Where to begin with our dear friend Monty? He has carried us through chukkars, on first canters, and throughout our rolling HMB hills. Monty was a steady ride who would wiggle his nose right into your heart. At the ripe age of 34, Monty passed away after a day of rolling and eating green grass with his friend Tina. Thank you for the miles of rides Mr. Monty.

Stitch(Forbidden Stitch): Born in 1984, Stitch made almost $800 on the track, but was quickly taken off the track and used as a broodmare then lesson horse. Stitch took a special rider to understand her need for speed as she flew around the arena and over fences. After about 5 years with the program she finally told us she was ready to join the greener pasture herd.
Gigi Oh, the princess of the barn! Gigi was with with the program since the beginning and never failed to sass and impress us. Gigi was a favorite for long-line lessons, lungeing and first canters. She finally succumbed to building health complications in March of 2016. Gigi’s ‘tude with the adults and docile puppy-dog persona with the kids are incredibly missed.
Bob(Trots N Socks): There are no words to describe how much Bob had done for our program and each one of his riders. Wonderfully trained and never taking a day off, Bob spent his time giving peace to our students and solitude in his predictable ways. His canter was like a dream and the smiles he brought to our kids have not left us dry-eyed once. So this is a small tribute to Bob, the wonder pony—our wonder pony.
Fran(Fran’s Playboy): We miss our quirky and gentle dude everyday. Fran made $95 on the track and had a second career in the jumpers with Square Peg friend, Kelly Sika. Fran was best at giving kids a bouncy trot, smooth canter, and a good lesson to why you need to sit up before a fence! He was sweet and had such poise and care for his young riders. Goodbye Frannoid, we miss you.
Jack: Ah, our amazing one-eyed horse! Jack was a racehorse and retrained to be quite the hunter before he came to our program. He was a tall, lanky gelding who taught our students confidence over fences. He had a sweet demeanor and was a great example of acceptance and understanding of diversity. Until the day he passed, Jack gave us such joy in his floaty trot step and love for all. We miss you big guy.
God, I love what I see on your website. In my opinion, you guys have it right on. Wish you were closer so I could volunteer. Keep providing for those individuals and horses in your care, you are angels on earth!