Annual Request for Support

Square Peg Foundation changes the lives of special needs and at risk children. Over the past year, over 120 children and their families struggling with autism, homelessness, ADHD, attachment and development disorders turned to Square Peg for help.

With your support we can serve more children and their families, as they learn to ride and care for rescued horses.

Square Peg Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit working towards the greater good of our community and beyond (learn more).

Bert and Madelyn

Your tax-deductible gift will enable us to:

– Continue to provide a safe and caring place for children and teens to learn horsemanship, care for rescued animals and be a part of a nurturing community.

– Rescue, care for and retrain more horses that deserve another chance at life.

– Grow our Autism Family Camps to serve more families, and communities.

With your help we can make significant change, and give more children and animals the hope they need most.

Best wishes for a wonderful holiday season from EveryOne at the Square Peg Foundation.

Please be generous.



Joell Dunlap
Executive Director, Square Peg Foundation

Life Lessons From The Horses…

“Remember me and smile, for it’s better to forget than to remember me and cry.”Dr. Seuss

Jack’s life was charmed.  He was a good racehorse, then an excellent show horse – trained and loved by responsible horsemen.  He repaid everyone with performance and affection.  In 2008, he lost his left eye, thus losing his place in the show community.  Official rules in the hunter ring labeled him as unsound.

So Jack came to Square Peg.  I hope you will believe us when we say that he marched fearlessly down trails and he jumped everything.  He taught beginners and advanced riders with alacrity. He approached everyone with openness and friendliness. He was one of the happiest souls we have ever known.  He never hesitated, and he never made excuses.  In doing so, he touched lives – the lives of kids who lived with disability, loneliness and hardship everyday.

Jack’s attitude toward what others might see as a glaring disability — a literal hole in his head where his eye should have been — had something to teach everyone at the ranch.

We lost Jack in late September most likely to heart attack. That sad morning, he was just gone, no sign of struggle or distress. He’d laid down and left us. In his life, he served everyone he knew with courage and cheer. We miss him so much. But we remind ourselves to be grateful for the gifts he gave and the lessons he taught us all.  Jack modeled how our attitude toward life’s challenges makes all the difference.

Two weeks later, the call from the racetrack came in.  “Can you take this four year old gelding?  He needs a home and the owners are getting restless.”  We called all our contacts, we thought for sure he would be easy to place.  He was physically and mentally sound, a great size, excellent bloodlines and conformation.  Certainly someone would want this handsome young horse?  But times are still hard and a home was not to be found.  And a home is just what he needed.

Winter is the wrong time to bring a healthy horse right from the track when feed is high and daylight for training is short. None of the staff had the time or the bandwidth to take on another project.  But he came anyway.  He’s now in the stall where Jack used to be.

“By immersing ourselves in what we love, we find ourselves. We do not lose ourselves. One does not lose one’s identity by falling in love.” Lukas Foss

Nobody will ever replace Jack of course.  But that doesn’t mean that our hearts didn’t break wide open for this kind and sweet gelding.  He’s fallen in love with Bob, the world’s best pony and we’ve fallen for him.

It is in Jack’s honor that we take on Confer, aka: “Slim Shady.”

Thank you Jack, for all the wonderful gifts that you have given us.

It’s that time of year again, time for us to ask for your support.  Your donation helps us save the lives of these horses and in return, they give joy to the kids who know the courage it takes to be a Square Peg.


Pumpkin Time!

Autumn is Half Moon Bay’s best weather.  Cool mornings and often the warmest afternoons of the year make us all a little bit giddy.  There’s very little fog and oh, what are those green and orange things dotting the fields – they’re pumpkins my friends and they are growing and morphing into the giant thing-a-ma-jigs that thousands upon thousands will drive to Half Moon Bay to behold.  Which translates (unfortunately) to traffic on Hwy 92.

The Half Moon Bay Annual Pumpkin Festival is October 13 and 14, 2012.  The barn will be closed.  No lessons and only the most stoic of volunteers will brave the tangle of traffic that invades our lovely little canyon each year.

Me, I’ll be visiting family in the northern-most part of California on the one weekend of the entire year when the barn is closed.  Enjoy that pumpkin pancake followed by pumpkin ice cream and washed down with pumpkin beer.

Surf and Turf Camp – The Beautiful Video and a Mom’s Story

I know, I know, we just keep going on about surf and turf camp.  Why?  Let us show you why – take a look at IndoJax’s video below – while it goes specifically into the surf day of camp – and how magical that camp was, surfing was just a part of that magic.  Heck, horses were just a part of that magic.  The whole magic unfolded for a number of important reasons.  I could list them, but here  are words from a mom – the real heros of this story:

“The most incredible feature of the camp was the underlying spirit of caring, helping, community, and generosity that surrounded us during the 3 days.  We were all part of something much bigger than we could describe or see. We all shared a common goal of reaching past what seems possible to accomplish with our children, and extend ourselves into an unknown territory of “”what if”” and “”maybe”” and hope.   There is a phrase that “”it takes a village to raise a child””, but finding that village can be difficult in today’s world.  I felt that it was really there during those 3 days.

I was amazed at how all the volunteers (surfing, camping, horse riding) were so engaging with the kids, and how willing they were to play with the kids.   This gave me a huge break from constant childcare, which translates into a huge decline in stress level.  It was 3 days of respite for me.


I personally liked the small group of campers better than a large group.   My child doesn’t like large groups with lots of noise and confusion, so the smaller group was perfect for us.   It also allows for him not to feel as “”lost”” as he often does in a big group.

Camping was great.   But then, we love camping.  Being in nature is so very healing and renewing for us. It was great it was near to home too.

Having an SNK can be so exhausting and lonely, that it truly seemed like a miracle to have so many volunteers willing and wanting to help.  I cried when I saw 5 people around the surf board with my son, all helping him and encouraging him.  I don’t know if I’ve ever been blessed with such extravagence of generosity of community…. just in the simple act of helping.

My child likes sensory stimulation of waves in the ocean, so the surfing was a great extension of that.  He has been SOO proud of learning to do a sport that most of his friends don’t do.  Like many other kids on the spectrum, he has difficulty with team sports, and is left out of most of those. So the surfing and horsebackriding were great.

I liked that the camp didn’t pressure the kids to ride or surf.   My son likes to watch most everything first, and observe it for a long time before he participates.    Those hours when he isn’t surfing or riding, or even participating in the music circle aren’t lost on him… he is soaking up so very much. I was actually quite amazed that the surfing instructor and horseback riding instructors had the magic touch to get him out of his comfort zone to try riding and surfing.

The unstructured time was good because it gave the kids time to be themselves and chose activities to play. The swords worked out great!!

Probably the number one reason this camp worked for us was that it was for parents and children together. My child won’t do a camp by himself without a parent, and it’s hard to find camps for both parent and child.

I loved the music circle.   The person who came to do it was fabulous.

The food was fabulous, and just knowing that it came from such a wonderful restaurant was amazing.

After we got home, my child did some things in the next week that I’ve rarely seen him do before, mostly that involved getting out of his shell.   The camp did wonders for his self-esteem and self-confidence — just being accepted, welcomed, and built up by so many genuinely caring volunteers was invaluable and unmeasurable.   For me, the camp was a much needed respite, and encouragement.  I learn more from other parents of SNKs than I ever learn from our MDs or books, so being able to have time to meet other parents and get to know them was wonderful.  For me, having an SNK has been so lonely and difficult, and just being given the opportunity to participate in something so generous felt like a miracle.”



It Takes a Village – Surf & Turf Camp, A Wonderful Success

Sharing the Stoke - Jack Viroel takes the little ones out to surf

Back from our first collaboration of horses, camping and surfing for autism families. Words can’t describe the experience. These photos, taken through the lens of one of the moms, tells the story of celebrating family, childhood, horses,tribe,  nature and surfing.

“We really achieved something quite extraordinary here. I haven’t seen so many cognitive and sensory changes happen so radically in such a short space of time to such a large number of kids. The surf/turf is totally complimentary – and the surf culture you’ve managed to create Rocky is impeccable. all those teens are future leaders.” Rupert Isaacson, HorseBoy Foundation


Jeff Clark came to play with the kids too! Photo by Debbie Tolaney

This was a collaboration between Jack Viroel and his crew at IndoJax Surf Charities, Iliane Lorenz, Jenny Lockwood and Rupert Isaacson of HorseBoy Foundation, Rocky Raynor and the fantastic kids on the Half Moon Bay Surf Club Team and Square Peg.  We’d like to publicly thank Robin Camozzi and Carl Hoffman at HMB Feed and Fuel for providing a beautiful setting for the event, Lucinda Mandella and the folks at  CARMA for the support that made it possible, Peter Finch and Nikki Medora at KGO for the live interview (click here to listen), Bo Razon for the world-class music, Terri Milkovich and 231 Ellsworth for the yummy food that saw us all through, for Square Peg volunteers, Rachel Bisaillon, Deborah Lynn Rod, Max Freiberger, Aaron Schneider and Susana DuLait.  Even surf legend Jeff Clark showed up to join in the fun!

Capt'n Jack doing what he does best!
“Thank you so very much for making today so special. There aren’t many activities that my autistic son and his little brother can share the joy in together…but today you made that happen!!”

None of this would be possible if it weren’t for our ranch manager Greg Crosta and head instructor Sigourney Jellins and their cast of fantastic volunteers for holding down the Square Peg fort while we were away.

“Just wanted to tell you thanks so much for letting W* join yesterday. I think he had one of the best days of his life. Still very tired today but in a good way.”


Celebrating Silliness - that's what it's all about

The families were the key to it all of course.  We are so grateful for the trust they showed us as we fumbled our way through our first efforts.  Being able to share laughter and silliness, food and adventure with them all was a treat we will savor for a long time to come.

“It is such a relief to be among people who see his strengths, and do not stand with crossed arms and pursed lips as they view him through eyes narrowed in judgement and disapproval. Reminds me of how great it is to hang out at the ranch and has given me lots of food for thought. And what a relief for my son to know that people wouldn’t be upset with him or disappointed by his choices to participate or not. That in and of itself was a huge gift.”

Finally, I can’t forget to thank our horses for the camp; Bob, Bert and Django – stars forever!

photo by Debbie Tolaney
Super Bob the Wonder Pony always brings a smile!

Square Peg Day at Cavalia is Saturday, August 4 at 8pm

“Cavalia is a fresh mix of equestrian and performing arts, multimedia and special effects. Conceived by Normand Latourelle and often labelled an equestrian ballet, Cavalia is a spectacular and moving tribute to the relationship between men and horses throughout history, a dream of freedom, cooperation and harmony. In a fairy tale setting filled with poetry and emotion, the show innovatively integrates acrobatics, dance, aerial stunts, live music and equestrian arts. Under the White Big Top, a 50-metre stage permits the horses to express themselves in all their splendour, nobility and strength, often completely free.”

Square Peg was given a unique opportunity to partner with Cavalia. We have been granted a block of tickets to the show on Saturday, August 4th.

100% of the sales of the tickets below will benefit Square Peg programs.  Join us on Saturday August 4, 2012 as we enjoy the show in community.  See you there!

Tickets are limited and it will be first come, first served.  All tickets will be at Will Call. Please know that there will be no refunds.


Choose Your Tickets
All tix will be at Will Call!

All tickets will be at Will Call

Square Peg Horse of the Month – COMETA

Every time we can, we try to let the kids speak for themselves – especially when it comes to horses they love.  What follows is a statement from the heart about our beloved Cometa from a child who knows and loves him like no other.

“Roughly five years ago, a skinny, unhappy, 15.3,  bay OOTB gelding was brought to Square Peg Foundation and my life was forever changed.  It becomes hard for me to put into words how much this little horse, Cometa, means to me because everyday he continues to drastically change my life in the most amazing ways.  Throughout these years, we have flown over courses and 3’6 jumps, galloped down polo fields, and continued to support each other through it all.  If I am ever off my game, Cometa knows just what to do, where to be, and can figure out a way to end my day with a smile.  Through the thick and thin moments in my life, he has always been my rock; the one I can trust and count on to brighten my day.  Because of his easy going personality & willingness to do anything his mount asks of, Cometa is one of our best lesson horses.  I’ve back ridden with him, been certified in the Horse-Boy method, and he is always my go-to guy when i want to try any stunt that comes to mind. Everyday I am so thankful for having Cometa in my life because without him, I truly don’t know where I would be, who I would be, or if I could make it.”
Farris Scott, age 15 Square Peg volunteer and student since 2005


Five Charities Collaborate to Serve Autism Families

Unique Venture Brings Horseback Riding, Camping and Surfing Experience to Autism Families

It all started at a coffee shop in Half Moon Bay.  Rupert Isaacson, founder of the HorseBoy Foundation was sipping tea and chatting with Joell Dunlap, Executive Director of Square Peg Ranch before heading out to do an intense training with a dozen autism specialists, parents and therapists at Square Peg Ranch.


“I’ve always had this dream” said Isaacson while stirring his tea “The work we do with autism kids and horses – we know the reason it works is because we are getting these kids moving in rhythm and in a way that connects them to the natural environment. Right?   If it works with horses, it will work getting these kids in the ocean and taking them surfing. We just need to find people that know how to get these kids in the water safely”
Dunlap smiled, pulled out her phone and made a call to Half Moon Bay Surf Club’s middle school coach Rocky Raynor.  Within minutes a meeting was set up, the dream was now an idea and plan was in motion to make it a reality.


Meanwhile, in Wilmington North Carolina, Jack Viroel was planning the 3rd annual trip to India. Why?  To take 60 orphaned street children and teach them to surf of course.  IndoJax Surf Charities has been offering surfing to disadvantaged populations for years. When the phone lit up with his old friend Rocky Raynor’s name, Jack answered eagerly to hear what his west coast friend was up to. “I’m talking with these folks that do work with autistic kids and horses and they want to incorporate surfing.” said Raynor.

“When do we start?” was Viroel’s reply.


India Surf Safari 2012 from Indo Jax Surf Charities on Vimeo.

Since then, Jack has travelled to HorseBoy’s central location outside of Austin Texas to see what HorseBoy is all about.  An instant meeting of minds was apparent with Isaacson and Viroel. “Rupert and I hit it off immediately and realized there was a lot of common ground between horses and surfing when dealing with children with special needs.”

Back in Half Moon Bay, Rocky Raynor and Joell Dunlap started laying the plans for the camp.  A beautiful camping spot was found, volunteers lined up to help, the local authorities were notified about which beach the surfing and possibly riding on the beach would occur.  Dunlap submitted a proposal to the Jan, Mace and Samantha Siegel CARMA Foundation to help fund food, travel and camping expenses for the event and was thrilled to find out it was approved in early June.

On July 21 through July 23, several local autism families will camp in the coastal hills.  The whole family, siblings and parents alike will participate in riding horses under the care of HorseBoy and Square Peg instructors. There will be opportunities to share music and food and art throughout the camp.  On Tuesday, July 22, they will travel to the famous Surfer’s Beach just north of Half Moon Bay for a day of surfing, also for siblings and parents as well.  The idea is to give the families something special and challenging to do together as a family and to live for a few days as a community that supports them and each other.  HorseBoy Foundation has run scores of these camps with horses in Texas, in the UK and in Canada but this will be the first to offer surfing as well. Square Peg Foundation has been offering a riding program to autistic kids on the Coast and surrounding areas since 2004.  The Half Moon Bay Surf Club has been encouraging local kids to surf and to excel in school through their innovative programs since 2009 and IndoJax – well they’ve been tirelessly offering the magical surfing stoke to kids all over the world.

Other organizations have pulled together to help make this dream a reality as well.  Local equestrian leader Carl Hoffman has offered his coastal horse camping spot to the effort for less than cost.  The HMB Fire Department wants in on the fun too and plans to bring an engine for the kids to explore.  Musicians, cooks and restaurants keep calling to offer their services to make this camp something special.

The financial support of the Jan, Mace and Samantha Siegel CARMA Foundation makes this possible.  The Siegel family has provided unparalleled support to CARMA since its inception in 2008 and the Jan, Mace, and Samantha Siegel CARMA Foundation is dedicated to funding unique and innovative ways of supporting racing’s retired stars.  CARMA has been funding accredited Thoroughbred aftercare facilities since 2008 and has been impressed with the work that Square Peg Foundation of Half Moon Bay has been doing with their herd of predominantly ex racers. “CARMA is pleased to be involved in this exciting program using off-track Thoroughbreds.  Joell has put together an exciting group of organizations for this event and we are glad to be a part of something that brings horses and kids together,” said CARMA Executive Director Lucinda Mandella.

We have joined five charities, 30+ volunteers, local businesses and government agencies together to serve autism families.  This is the very spirit of community and unity.

Please check back regularly for photos and stories of our shared adventure.


Links for more information:
HorseBoy Foundation
Square Peg Foundation:
Indo Jax Surf School:
Half Moon Bay Surf Club


for more information or to schedule an interview with any of the above mentioned organizations, please contact Deborah Rod at


Another chapter from Gallop Girl

Well, you asked for it and here it is.  Another chapter from my work in progress.  The goal was to have a first draft completed by the 4th of July.  I’m not sure that I’ll make it, a few characters are screaming for attention.  But I’m going to try really hard.  Below is a chapter featuring one of my favorite characters ever – Peter Stone, a retired jockey living alone in a trailer house not far from the track.  Personally, I love Peter. I hope you enjoy.

Luke’s manic tail wagging, happy howls and clumsy leap from Peter’s couch erased all the madness of Ann’s last couple of days.  She bent down and folded his head into her arms as he lavished kisses on her face and throat.

“Well Missy, ain’t it good to be loved?” said Peter from his couch.

Ann wasn’t able to get up from the floor amid all of the dog love she was receiving. In between giggles, she managed “How are you feeling Pete?”

“Fine as frog hair, darlin’.” He grumbled.

“Frog hair?  Frogs don’t have hair?” She panted, pulling herself up from the floor and gently pushing Luke away.

“You can’t see frog hair because it’s too fine.”  Pete laughed in between wheezes.

Ann smiled at the old joke.  Pete laughed harder at his own jokes than he did at the jokes of others.  It was endearing to her.  She loved it when Pete would crack up telling her a joke that she had told to him recently.

“Well, we’d better get moving unless you want to be late to your doctor’s appointment.”  Ann said.

“Don’t hafta worry about that.  I done gone and canceled that meetin’ with the saw-bones.”  said Pete.

“Why would you do that?”  Ann asked.

“I’m tired of bein’ poked and prodded like an old pin cushion.  Those doctors and nurses treat you like you was nothin’ but a piece of meat.  No dignity.  So I fired ’em.”

“What about your prescriptions? How will you get the medicine you need?”

“I figure that pills never did much for my Donna, she died anyway, so what the hell can they do for me?”  Pete looked at Ann defiantly.  “Nope” he continued “I’m too old to cure, you just leave old Pete be.  I’ll be allright, don’t you worry your pretty little head.  Luke and I talked about it all night and he agrees.”  Pete reached out and stroked Luke’s silky long ears.  Then he reached into the folds of the couch and produced a bag of ginger snap cookies.  “Want one?”

“Pete” said Ann shocked “You know you have to watch your sugar!”

“Listen missy, I spent 31 years of being a rider and watching my weight like a hawk.  Can’t eat this, gotta purge that.  No butter, no salt on my meat.  When I quit ridin’ I ate like a king and every bite tasted like a treasure.  It’s the same here with these goddamn cookies.  Three years with watching my sugar and taking insulin and worried all the time.  These cookies have never tasted so good and I aim to eat ’em and eat some more if I goddamn feel like it.”

Ann sank to the couch next to him and put her hand on his hairy wrist.  “Oh Pete, I’m just worried about you.  That’s all.”

Pete wouldn’t meet her gaze, he turned to watch the Dodgers on the television make a seamless double play.  “Looks like the boys might have a good year after all.”

“Pete, we need to talk about your health.”  she pleaded.

“Why?” he asked.  “Why can’t we talk about baseball?  Or take the dog for a walk in the sunshine?  Or figure out your terrible love life?  Why do we need to talk about my health?  Let’s laugh and have some coffee, or pick a Derby horse together and just forget about arthritis or blood sugar levels or bowel movements!  Can’t you see that I’m tired of all this crap?”

“I’m sorry Pete, it’s just that”

“Don’t be sorry girlie, just shut up!”  Pete’s hands were shaking and so was his voice.  The Dodgers were up and there were now two men on base.  Both Pete and Ann turned silently to watch the game.  They both sorted out their thoughts in silence until the commercial break when the TV erupted loudly into a commercial for adult diapers.

“Ah hell.” said Pete disgustedly as he got up and went to the kitchen, dragging his bag of cookies with him.

“Hey, while you are in there, can you make us some coffee?” Asked Ann with a hopeful smile.

“Too goddamn hot for coffee now.” Grumbled Pete.  Ann sighed, not sure what to say next.  “But I got some coffee ice cream in the freezer.”  Pete grinned from the kitchen like a naughty child.

“That sounds great!”  Sighed a relieved Ann.

Pete, Luke and Ann spent the next two hours locked in flowing conversation, jokes, stories, nostalgia, junk food, a win for the Dodgers and laughter.  It was food for the soul for all three.  Looking at her watch, Ann regretted that she would have to break the spell and bring them all back to reality.

“Shit Pete, it’s four o’clock, I gotta get back to the barn for feed and medications.”  Then Ann ventured a risky move “Do you want to come with me?”

Pete wasn’t ready for the question and he sucked in his breath, retreated into the couch cushions and seemed suddenly very small and frail.

“Shit honey, I ain’t been to the track in a month of Sundays.  I couldn’t go.  Nah, you go on honey, I’ll keep Luke here with me.”

Ann pushed a little harder “C’mon Pete, I’ll only be there for a couple hours and then we’ll be back.”

Pete looked at his hands, flexed his swollen, arthritic fingers and winced. He wiggled his purple toes in his worn leather slippers. He exhaled loudly and looked Ann directly in the eye “Sweetie, I appreciate the offer.  I really do, but I figure the track is done with me, and so I ought to be done with the track.  You go along, I’m feeling sleepy.  I’ll keep Luke here and we will take a good long nap.”

Ann felt heavy and sad.  The worst part was that she knew it was true.  Racing consumed your life, destroyed your body, paid off sporadically and picked your pocket constantly. The racing game threw out champion horses, talented riders, brilliant trainers or wealthy owners just as quickly and cruelly as it did penniless gamblers, crooked jockeys, junkie grooms and assorted lost souls.  The track never forgave, but it always forgot.  Ann knew that she had spent her whole career working harder, going the extra mile, grinding away to achieve respect in the game and yet she too, would be forgotten in an instant when she could no longer ride.

“Let’s check your blood sugar before I go.”  Ann offered.

“Now pumpkin, you and I both know that I’m off the chart with all the crap we ate today.  Why the hell do you want to rub it in?  I ain’t planning on running a marathon this afternoon, I’m just gonna curl up here with this ol’ hound and sleep it off.”  Pete yawned and rubbed his rheumy eyes and dismissed Ann with a raised eyebrow indicating that the conversation was over and it was time for her to go.

“Are you sure you want me to leave Luke?”  Ann asked.

“Yup.  He’s a lot better company than you or this damn TV – ya see, he knows when to shut up.”  Pete winked and smiled as he pulled the old quilt over his shoulders and settled down into the couch.  Luke jumped up and curled behind Pete’s knees.  Ann walked over and patted Luke on the head and then quickly kissed Pete on the forehead.  “Don’t go smoochin’ on an old man little pretty” Pete mumbled with his eyes closed “You just might get more than you bargained for.”

Both Pete and Luke were snoring as Ann grabbed her keys and headed to her car.