Summer Wrap-Up guest blogger Rachel Bisaillon
Here I am again, one week into school and desperately pining for those much-missed long days at the barn. We all say summer is short, (ask any kid,) but this summer was especially short, which is why I’m having a difficult time finding a proper way to wrap it up.
This summer marks my fourth consecutive year riding and working with Square Peg, and there are no words to describe how much it has saved me. My first summer at Square Peg was in fact the shadow to my looming freshman year of HS, and to be honest, I had no clue who I was. I found myself these past four years; with all of the kids, the family our core barn group has become, and of course, with the horses. Using Sigourney’s expertise, I was able to help along some of the green horses this summer, and learned how to ride and teach an inexperienced horse. I am also very proud to say that with her training and support, we were able to teach one of our older OTTB’s (Off Track Thoroughbred) how to jump. So of my four summers here, this one was definitely the best; not because of the things we did for ourselves (although I am very proud of what I accomplished!) but because this summer was all about learning and teaching others, and I do believe that is why this summer was so successful.
Our new facility opened up opportunities that would have been impossible otherwise and I know how lucky I am to be involved in an organization that makes these types of experiences possible. This summer we hosted two separate camps on our city-upon-a-hill.
The first camp was for a group of inner-city girls, who usually come for just an afternoon of riding, so this time was considerably different. Camping with them turned out to be one of the most knowledge-invoking and risk-taking experiences I’ve ever had. For girls who barely leave the SF boundaries, boy did they teach us some stuff about surviving in the woods and trying new things. Seeing their view on life was incredible, considering we are all teenage girls, just with different backgrounds. I am happy to say that we are already planning our next beach day with them!
The second camp was for five of our Square Peg families and it turned out incredible. We hiked, boogie boarded, made just about a million s’mores, and even took our first camp adventures into the pond. Three days of camping is a lot of work, time, and patience, but every second was 100% worth it. Things happened during both of those camps that were new territory for not just me, but for my peers as well, and being able to step out of our own comfort zones and experience these newfound ideas and thoughts was just about priceless. As Joell likes to say, camp turns groups into tribes, and this summer was clear proof of that. One night during the first camp, I called my mom to say goodnight, but also to say thank you: thank you for giving me a life that I am extremely proud of, thank you for providing me the resources to be at this magical place whenever I want, and thank you for being the mom that some people are never able to experience.
This summer, I think the barn as a whole has really become the best it has ever been before. The horses were happier, our organization level has skyrocketed, and because of everyone’s dedication and tremendous effort, the lesson program has become the best it ever has, reaching almost 150 people this summer. If that isn’t amazing, I am not sure what is. Although summer break has come to an end, the summertime weather continues to persist, so if you have an extra few hours, schedule a time to come out to the ranch and help; clean some tack, feed some carrots, muck some stalls, and just enjoy the sunshine and the craziness and bliss that is Square Peg Foundation.
Because a story really can change the world.
In 1877, the most influential anti-cruelty novel ever, Black Beauty, was published. Written by Anna Sewell from a horse’s perspective to promote animal welfare, Black Beauty sold more than 50 million copies and remains one of the best-selling books ever.
All my life, I’ve worked alongside these magnificent, compassionate animals. Horses have emotions. Horses form strong connections and deep bonds with each other and, remarkably, with us. But chances are you already know this.
Did you know that in 2012, 160,000 American horses were sent from the United States to slaughter plants in Mexico and Canada? As many are set to be slaughtered this year and even more next year.
Laws were changed in the United States to disallow the slaughter of horses in the United States. What did this do? It sent determined stock owners to butchers in Canada and Mexico. This statistic is made worse knowing how powerfully emotive horses are. The truck ride alone is horrific.
Many members of Square Peg’s 18-horse herd were on their way to slaughter when we rescued them. My story — Vaya Con Dios — honors the stories of these horses. If this story moves you, please donate to the Square Peg Foundation and help us save equine lives, affect change, and teach the next generation of humans to respect and value life. Let’s make Anna Sewell proud all these years later.
So pour yourself another cup of tea, sit back, and enjoy the tale. It’ll take 10 minutes and it may even move you.
Caveat: This story contains adult issues that may upset children.

Join Us for Movie Night in Half Moon Bay on Friday, October 04, 2013

How far would you go to heal someone you love? In 2007, the Issaacson Family took their five year old autistic son Rowan on a journey across Mongolia, traveling on horseback from traditional healer to traditional healer – which resulted in the 2009 bestselling book and PBS documentary of the same name: The Horse Boy.
The film sparked a movement now called Horse Boy Method™, helping autistic kids gain direct communication through horses, nature, wilderness and learning through movement.
On hand at the screening will be Square Peg Foundation’s Joell Dunlap. Square Peg Ranch has been delivering programs for kids on the autism spectrum since 2004. As a premier site for Horse Boy Method™ right here in Half Moon Bay, Joell will be able to tell you how you can get involved in this healing work.
Whether you are interested in travel and adventure, wilderness and its healing power, shamanism, autism, horses, or are just plain curious about how, when life hands you lemons, you make margaritas, this film is for you.
See you there!

What: Movie Night at the Half Moon Bay Odd Fellows Hall,
Where: 526 Main Street Half Moon Bay Suggested donation $10
When: Friday, October 4, at 7:30 pm – refreshments will be available
Why: A benefit for the Square Peg Foundation, helping special needs kids and animals in Half Moon Bay since 2004
RSVP here
A Personal Post of Gratitude from Joell Dunlap
Autism Family Adventure Camp 2013 is behind us. There are still dishes to be washed and tents to fold, and the poison oak rashes will continue to rise for a few days.
But our hearts are full of gratitude. I can only speak for myself, to say that there was more magic in this gathering than I can wrap my head around.
A few special call-outs of gratitude:
To the Kastl Family who worked so hard to build the site. I thought that I was a hard worker, but you guys put me to shame in your hours, your efforts, your dedication and your results. The site was beautiful and offered our families the peace of nature and quiet. We are so grateful.
To all of the folks who donated to the campsite fund – I hope that you take a minute to look at the photos and see what you helped to create. This campsite you helped create will serve families for years to come.
To our families – who ventured into the unknown with us. Who braved the discomfort of camping and living as a tribe with people you didn’t know well. For trusting us with your children on the horses, in the lake, at the beach and by the fire. Your trust means everything to us and we are honored by it.
To the best staff and volunteers in the world: Your enthusiasm, your flexibility, the sheer hours you put in to pull this off, your hard work and your laughter are the real magic of camp. From the bottom of my heart, Thank You.
To the HMB Surf Club – Wow. Just Wow. Rocky, your kids rock. But you don’t need me to tell you that. I hope that these photos remind you all how fantastic and special you and the kids are.

To our friends at Horse Boy and Indo Jax Surf Charities – your guidance and your love were central to our efforts and even if you weren’t there on site, we knew you were with us there in spirit.

To Nick Guzman – your music filled the campsite with harmony, rhythm and most importantly; love. You have a gift and we are so grateful that you shared it with us. Nick’s mom Christina posted her beautiful photos of camp on Facebook. You can see them here:
To our beloved horses – your generosity to care for us all gets me through the hard times. I spend a moment every single day thinking about how lucky I am that each and every one of the 18 of you is such a gift to this world.

To Lydia Puhak who braved the wet and the cold to bring yoga to our site. Thank you for your patience and your smile. We hope you enjoyed your little taste of Square Peg medicine ;-)
And finally, to my darling husband Darius Dunlap. Not just for the amazing food and cooking and clean up and BBQ fixing and and and – but mostly for being with me through these crazy adventures I keep dragging you into. You always amaze me with your smile and your capability. And when it’s all over, you are there for me with a cold beer and a foot rub. I love you dearly.
I bow my head in humble gratitude to you all.
photo link:
Let’s Build a Campsite Together!
**UPDATE** We’ve Broken Ground on
The New Square Peg Camp Spot!
Thanks to you, we have started the work
and the campground is being built as we speak.
But we still need to raise $4,150
Please help us keep up the momentum!
(click here to contribute)
Thanks to you, we have started the work and the campground is being built as we speak. Please help us keep up the momentum! We are at 30% of our goal to raise $6,250 to build the camp. Will you help?
Here’s details: The greatest horse back riding program in Half Moon Bay, now in the greatest location! What more could we ask for? A camp, of course!
Not just any camp. A camp for learning and developmentally challenged children and youth and those at risk. A camp with a tee pee. A camp with a small kitchen platform. A camp with a sandy area on which to pitch additional tents. A camp with a fire pit for camaraderie, warmth, and laughter. A camp with furniture – picnic tables and benches made of local Douglas fir to surround the fire pit. A camp close to a pond with a small dock to tie up our kayaks and canoes.
At Square Peg, we offer children and young adults on the autism spectrum and others at risk the space to enjoy nature, explore and develop their senses, and bond with our horses and staff!
Service Learning and Summer Intern program at Square Peg Ranch

“We’ve got a tiger by the tail!” Square Peg Ranch is launching a pilot study to develop leadership and workplace skills for kids who know what it’s like to be a Square Peg.
We have developed five summer intern and 18 service learning positions including one position strictly for research and four positions in ranch management and animal husbandry to commence June 8 and continue through the summer. Applicants for the Internships and Service Learning will be between the ages of 16 and 22 years old.
Interns must be willing to work between two and four shifts per week. Each intern shift is three hours long. Intern positions will focus on leadership skills, ranch and horse management and each intern will receive basic training in both CPR and in Horse Boy™ Method.
Service Learning volunteers will work at least two shifts per week and each shift is two hours long.
Interested students are encouraged to log in here as a volunteer here and answer all of the questions. Our office staff will contact you for an interview.
by Deborah Lynn Rod
ATHERTON, CA Sounds of thundering hoofbeats, clinking wine glasses and laughter harmonized on the polo field at the Menlo Circus Club in Atherton, Calif. on Saturday, May 4th.
Roughly 250 people showed up in decadent hats and their spring best to support the Square Peg Foundation at their annual Kentucky Derby fundraiser party. All proceeds went to benefit Square Peg’s adaptive horsemanship program, horse rescue and Autism Family Adventure Camps.

The event started with the exciting polo season opener. Team Square Peg squared off against the Menlo Circus Club’s polo team. Mallets sliced the air and descended onto the ball with a crack as riders zipped up and down the field on the backs, and sometimes sides, of their spectacular Argentine ponies. The crowd was captivated by the spectacle of men and women on horseback sprinting shoulder to shoulder for the ball. As one spectator noted, “it’s like hockey on horseback!”
During half time, the well-dressed crowd spilled onto the field for the divot stomp. Hatted heads bobbed around and high-heeled shoes slammed the ground. Announcer, Toby Cooper, said he has “never seen so many people participate in divot stomping before.” Perhaps they were fueled by promises of a bottle of champagne awarded to the divot stomper who successfully located the ball, or, as one spectator suggested, perhaps the crowd’s motivation came from fulfilling their Pretty Woman fantasies.
Square Peg beat the Circus Club team after four riveting chukkers. The game was all in good spirit, as several members of the Menlo Polo Club have donated their time and money to the Square Peg Foundation.

While guests dined on the southern inspired menu and sipped wine donated by Derby Vineyards and Mavericks Ales, there were silent auction stands and drawing tickets being sold. Drawing winners would take home a mysterious package that was placed on each table.
At around 3 p.m., the Calcutta betting began. The information for each horse racing in the Derby was displayed on three large televisions by the bar. KGO’s Peter Finch and Square Peg’s executive director, Joell Dunlap, engaged the crowd in their presentation of the horses.
Square Peg volunteers replaced their breeches and half-chaps with stylish spring dresses and hats. ”I could hardly recognize the ranch volunteers without their horse-clothes and dirt smudges!” said Caryn Marooney, Square Peg client.
Life at the Ranch
Square Peg, founded in 2004 by Joell Dunlap, is a non-profit adaptive horsemanship program and horse rescue located in Half Moon Bay, Calif. The foundation is run by a small group of regular volunteers, has 18 horses and caters to about 30 kids per week, who are primarily on the autism spectrum and at risk youth.

“Which way would you like to go?” asked Lauren to James, who was seated in front of her on the horse they shared. “This way, or that way?” Lauren pointed left, then right. “That way!” squealed James. With his word, Lauren picked up the canter, and off they went in a cloud of dust and giggles.
To the untrained eye, this may look like fun. The untrained eye would be correct. However, some solid neuroscience comes along with this fun. Like horses, children with autism have an overactive amygdala. This is where the stress hormone, cortisol, is released. We need cortisol to live, but too much can cause sensory overload, which is one adverse symptom of autism. Oxytocin, the “feel-good” hormone, is what balances the flood of cortisol. Oxytocin is released by rhythmic rocking of the hips.
“After our first session at the ranch, we got home and Sylvia was unusually calm. She wasn’t doing her usual repetitive movements. She was just so calm,” said one parent.
A collected canter rhythmically rocks the hips, thereby flooding the rider with oxytocin. Learning happens when oxytocin is dominant. Thus, Square Peg is able to incorporate an educational aspect into the ride.

If the child’s interest in riding waxes and wanes, Square Peg listens. The adaptive nature of the riding program employs a ‘yes’ environment –an environment where self-advocating is the primary goal for the child. As Joell Dunlap says, “no one changed the world by learning to post the trot.” The ranch encompasses miles of trails, as well as a pond with a small boat, and toys, games and crafts are abundant in the kid’s fort (also known as the helmet room).
“It is such a relief to be among people who see his strengths, and do not stand with crossed arms and pursed lips as they view him through eyes narrowed in judgment and disapproval,” says a mom.
According to estimates from CDC’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network, about 1 in 88 children has been identified with an ASD.
This number is extremely significant. “If you don’t already know and love someone with autism, chances are, you will,” says Dunlap. “For some reason, those numbers are higher in the Bay Area.”
At Square Peg, most of the children on the Autism spectrum are boys ranging from age 4 to 10. This corresponds with data from the CDC, which suggests that ASDs are almost 5 times more common among boys (1 in 54) than among girls (1 in 252).
The horses at Square Peg help children off the autism spectrum as well.
“At Square Peg, everyone fits. Some of our kids struggle with depression, anxiety, eating disorders, ADD/HD and so on. Sometimes, it’s just hard being 13, and we get that,” says Dunlap. “These horses are all square pegs in their own right. They’ve all been given harmful labels, and for some, those labels have at one point condemned them to slaughter. The kids love the rogue, the cripple, the slacker, and the troublemaker. What’s equally fascinating is how gently and lovingly these horses react to these kids. [The kids] can often get away with things a neurotypical rider wouldn’t be able to do.”
Square Peg is kid prioritized, but family oriented. “When a mom brings her 8-year-old son to the ranch to put him on the back of a 1,000 pound animal, one of two things is happening: either she’s in love with horses herself and wants to share that passion with her child, or she’s completely terrified and looking for a miracle,” says Dunlap.
“One of the first things we do is put the mom on the horse,” she continues. “It shows the kid that if mom trusts this horse, then he can too. Moreover, it’s hard being an autism mom. Many are single, and deal with a child with sleeping problems, and may be changing the diapers of her 8-year-old son. We keep the kid busy and supervised, and we have the mom lay on the horse’s back, surrounded by volunteers, and if there’s a masseuse on standby, she even gets a back rub. Common reactions to laying on a horse’s back are crying or falling fast asleep.”
Back to the Party
After the race, Calcutta winners Jeff and Kate Haas, announced their decision to donate all of their winnings of more than $2,600 to the Square Peg Foundation. “We are overflowing with gratitude for the generosity of our longtime friends,” says Dunlap.

As the event wound down, the hats removed and the rose arrangements taken off tables, there seemed a peaceful sense of accomplishment. The fundraiser brought in roughly $40k. With double the budget, the Square Peg Foundation will be able to triple their client base. Three times as many children and families will be able to find peace and solace from the magic that horses have to offer. More relationships will blossom on the grounds of love, trust and acceptance amongst members of their community in a place that seems so far away from the chaos of life, yet so close to home.
To find out more about the Square Peg Foundation and ways you can help, visit the Square Peg website at You can also ‘like’ them on Facebook to keep updated with the latest happenings at the ranch.
New Home – Endless Possibilities – a blog post from our intern Deborah Rod
I count the bundles of Eucalyptus trees that intersect Highway 92. I reach the third bundle, which hosts a narrow road leading up a steep hill; deeper into that bundle of Eucalyptus. The signs in front read, “Kastle Rock” and “Saturday Horse Camps.” I make the illegal left turn over the double yellow lines. I figure if a cop were to pull me over, I would probably be able to talk my way out of a ticket upon mentioning where I was going and what my purpose was.
The Square Peg Foundation began the move from Canyon Creek Equestrian Center to Kastle Rock Ranch this weekend. The new property is only five minutes away from the old property. Geographic proximity leaves only a tiny sliver in one’s mind of what to expect with the new location. The road leads me to a final turn, putting me in front of a picturesque scene of a ranch nestled in spacious clearing of the Eucalyptus forrest. “Middle-Earth”, I audibly observe. I’m sure I’m not the only one who thinks this place looks like the freakin’ Shire.
This weekend was not my first time at the ranch; however, it was the first time I felt like I was at home there. We are no longer visitors to this site, and the feeling is palpable. The ranch owners and management are not only solid business people, but also phenomenal company. They are knowledgable, warm, and patient (which is a must if you’re dealing with the wonderful chaos of Square Peg). Not to mention, they are fun! While watching them play a mounted game of Marco-Polo under the lights of the arena, where the june bugs danced, I found myself sporting a smile induced by gratitude for having found a place where laughter echoes through the hills, even after the sun goes down.
As the intern, it is my primary responsibility to keep the facility organized. This is no easy task. Preemptive thoughts of moving and organizing (wonderful) chaos from point A to point B ladened me with lethargy. I like to think these semi-low expectations made the reality of the situation even more pleasant. Nonetheless, I was extremely pleased with the effort and results of all our fantastic volunteers’ hard work. No one disappointed. From Dave and Linda’s time pulling out the staples and washing walls in what will be the kids’ fort space, to the Stanford polo team tirelessly moving mats; everyone applied themselves and had results to show for it. I was giddy over
the amount of progress we made. Giddiness was also partially due to the fact that there was a considerable amount of food provided throughout the whole process. Unmedicated Deborah was especially pleased (ADD folks know what I’m talking about here).
Once the volunteers start to head home, I afford myself a leisurely minute to stand at the top of the driveway and absorb the serenity and beauty of the

property. I laughed out loud when I noticed that a familiar patch of Eucalyptus trees from Canyon Creek Ranch had grown to form a perfectly symmetrical heart on the hillside facing Kastle Rock. You can’t make this stuff up. I don’t fancy myself a superstitious person, but something about that heart on the hillside affirms my belief that this is where Square Peg will start the next chapter of growth, and if magic is going to happen anywhere, it’s going to be here.
Opportunities, Possibilities and Gratitude
Change is in the air they say. We’re told that Mercury just slipped into retrograde – not that we have any idea what that means. What we DO know is that, after months of negotiation, stealth planning, fundraising and dreaming, Square Peg will move to a new home starting TODAY through March 15, 2013.
Before we tell you about how exciting and fabulous that is, it’s important that we acknowledge the Parks family and all of our friends at Canyon Creek Equestrian Center for everything they have done to help us through the last three years, which have been critical to our organization. The Parks have been generous and welcoming and they treated us like family. We are forever thankful for their amazing support.
Early in the year, we polled our families, our volunteers and our board about what they valued in our location and what the priorities were for improvements. Without a single exception, everyone acknowledged that the location, right along Hwy 92 just far enough westward to escape the summer heat and far enough east to avoid the coastal fog, in a canyon out of the wind were important to the health of the horses as well as the comfort and accessibility for the families we serve. Folks loved feeling out in the country and still only 10 minutes from town. Our location kept us out of the lion’s share of beach and pumpkin traffic too. Families loved the trails. Everyone loved the expansive summer pasture that the geldings enjoyed and wished that they could be accessible year round and include a pasture space for the mares as well. Improvements people wanted included: (wait for it) a bathroom with running water, more parking, room to grow and a space for parents and siblings to watch the horse care and riding.

We listened. We thought. We dared to dream and think BIG. We planned and discussed. We made charts and graphs. And then we acted. Our new facility is nothing short of a dream. It’s a whopping 150 acres with a lighted arena, a round pen, parking, ocean views, a spring fed pond, trails, a beautiful barn, room for pastures and yes, a bathroom. There are forests of trees, grass, privacy, room to roam and explore for kids, horses and even the goats. Here’s the amazing part; we will be only 3/4 of a mile from our current location, still on Hwy 92!
With the added acreage, additional staff, trained volunteers and tranquil space, our goal is to double the number of families we serve this summer and triple our current number by this time next year. We will ramp up our hosting HorseBoy Trainings to teach other programs how to serve families with kids on the spectrum. We are establishing Square Peg as a Flagship Center for HorseBoy work. We also plan to host working students and people wanting to learn herd management so that more horse rescues survive and thrive. Too many are failing their horses and their trusting donors. We are emerging as leaders in the field and our new home reflects that. Click here to see facility photos.
We are building pastures and turnouts and even a small retirement sanctuary for our beloved old ones. We are planning a play structure for the kids, moveable grazing paddocks, a cover for the round pen and more. We are working with the barn owners to improve our feed program and we will be able to bed the horses down in soft and absorbent bedding. We are overcome with excitement and gratitude, and we are going to need your help to pull it off.
So many years ago, we understood that Square Peg and it’s mission of inclusion and celebration of diversity wasn’t just a little horseback riding program, it was a movement. We have withstood some serious trials and there is an exciting and clear path towards tremendous and yet mindful growth. We are so thankful to have had you along for the ride. And what a wonderful ride it’s been!
We reached out to some very special people to help make this possible and the generosity that came flowing back to us has been unprecedented. But we aren’t done yet.
Want to help?
Email us if you can help with pasture building, brush clearing, barn construction, office moving and organizing, painting and more. We have the improvements and build out plans for phase I and phase II of improvements. If you are interested in helping with the fundraising, don’t hesitate to send us a note. If your office wants to do a day of volunteering together, we can help. Our splendid intern Deborah is co-ordinating the volunteer efforts:
Stay tuned for details on our giant fundraising party – the Run for the Roses on the first Saturday in May. It’s going to be the party of the season and we want you to join us.