A dear friend is a trauma specialist. Not only is she tremendously effective as a therapist, she’s wildly curious about different approaches. She’s open, thoughtful and fearless in exploring other modalities and theories.
She visited a neuro-feedback specialist in just this fashion.
She asked the specialist what she needed to divulge about her history in order to get started. The specialist said “Nothing. I don’t want any backstory to color my initial evaluation.”
Intrigued, my friend submitted to the measurements, the tests and the observations.
Eventually, the specialist pronounced “Well, I don’t see any evidence of childhood trauma in your brain.”
My friend gently informed the specialist that the observation was entirely untrue. My friend has a prolonged, horrific and documented traumatic childhood until the age of seven.
Without batting an eye, the specialist answered
“Oh, then you must have had horses.”

Yes. They do.